Friday, July 22, 2011

Still Breathing?

If you held your breathe for the last year, month, and few days I am sorry I missed your funeral but did not recieve word of it and warned you it was not a wise decision.
It seems the world of blogging is now oh-so new and improved from all the little pop ups that are coming my way as I log back in after my year long hiatus. I thank a friend for starting his blog "Postcards from up in the air" and getting me back here, I look forward to his wise words and likely humorous quips.

I am surviving this little heat wave we have going on thanks to central air, a job with central air, and our pool that is luckily for this purpose, not heated. I am doing the best I can to make sure my garden and plants survive as well but not sure the likelihood of my success. All this to bring me to what I want to touch upon, my orchids. Yes, I know...I am pathetic and wierd for blogging about plants but I like taking pictures of them and pictures are what I like posting on this blog so it is what it is. So my second reason for getting back to this blog. I have a rescue orchid that has just bloomed!! I am pretty excited since 1) I seem to have successfully rescued it and 2) I had to wait to find out what color it ended up being. I really was hoping for a blue one but got this beautiful deep purple instead. Big disappointment, right? The surprise of waiting for it was the fun in itself.

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