Saturday, April 17, 2010

Orchid bloom

Hard to believe this happened over night!!  Below is the pic I took yesterday as it was coming out of a loose bud and today here it is, bright eyed and shining.

Friday, April 16, 2010


We had a beautiful day yesterday and my indoor flowers loved it!!  This is my Aunt Dee's violet and it hasn't bloomed since the year I got it.  It was from her funeral and I tried really hard to get a violet that day because she was a purple lover and it would remind me of her.  This past fall I repotted it in some soil with African Violet food and apparently that and a little sun is what it needed :D  I am so happy to see "her" again.  A little touching that she shows up with buds and flowers in the days surrounding Jarod's grandfathers passing.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Days like today are when a good friend is all you need.  I am so glad to call our family our friends.  Grandpa's memorial was touching and very nice.  Afternoon was enjoyed in the back yard.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 14

Just an update. Nothing special about the picture or the post...not to me anyways.  Seed starts are growing and attempt to stunt them are only minimally working.  These are the beans...a solid 10" tall.  Corn is probably 6" tall.  Peppers are showing up more along the lines of what I thought would happen, just showing their first true leaves.  Garden still needs to be tilled up and the transistion of these outdoors hasn't yet started due to a dip in the weather and rain. 

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Life Cycle

Today was tough.  Life is a beautiful, delicate dance.  We all have a place and time.  Touch others when you can make them better for it.  Let loved ones go and know they have made you better for knowing them.  It isn't always fair, we don't always understand. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well the seeds I started have grown like weeds. (Let's just hope they aren't weeds) I am not really sure this is a good thing. They appear to be out growing thier pods and it has only been 10 days since I planted them. I fear it is still too early to take them outside so I think I will try and stunt their growth the rest of this week, acclimate them to outdoors over the weekend, and start the garden a little early this year. Weather has been nice early this year so we can hope that the threat of frost is over or that they will survive any frost they may suffer. It is Michigan and so I never take the sun/warmth as a given until say.... August. Enough about the plants. I am sure we have covered that over and over by now.

A wierd weekend for me and it has spilled into the early week. Not sure I can put my finger on it. Easter, beautiful weather, new life to celebrate but I just felt beneath it all. I believe I have my reasons but oh how I wish I could control how they affect me. It isn't fair to me or those around me to succumb to them. I don't like the view I have and the person it makes me. I don't want others to be hurt by the person I am or am not because of how I feel. I think a big part of overcoming it is to look at it differently. I struggle with that. I say I can but doing so is much more difficult. I think devloping a game plan could help but not sure that is possible at the present time. Back to changing my attitude. I am sure I have lost you at this point but that is ok. Maybe I haven't and that is fine too. I don't mind being transparent on certain things but I don't really want to explain them either. Maybe what I describe is universal. It can mean something entirely different to each person and can be different each time depending on the situation. I know for me it really applies to several things going on in my life. I don't want sympathy or help from anyone... please don't think that is why I am posting this. This is my thing and I know it is for me to figure out. A big part of the problem is when you think someone else is responsible for your state of mind. They are not. Only I get to change it and it is my I want better? *I warned you I was going to vent :D

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
- George Bernard Shaw

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Morning dew

Because I am awake to see it, because it means the days are warm, because seeds are sprouting, because green is replacing brown.

Lots to do and sun to enjoy. Hoping to balance the two this weekend and spend time with my favorite boys. Easter to celebrate tomorrow.